NYT: CGF Patent Maneuver Stalled 2007 Microstamping Law For Two Years
The Calguns Foundation was responsible for slowing down a 2007 state law requiring microstamping technology on semi-automatic handguns by purchasing the patent for its technology, thus extended how long the law could be implemented.
Had CGF not stepped in, microstamping would have into effect sooner. Unfortunately the law was eventually implemented, however, CGF is litigating in our lawsuit, Peña v. Lindley, which currently sits at the 9th Circuit. Via the a 2012 story in New York Times:
In California, legislation signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2007 has been held up while the attorney general’s office makes sure the technology is unencumbered by patents, as the microstamping law requires. A gun rights group, the Calguns Foundation, went so far as to pay a $555 fee to extend a lapsing patent held by the developer to further delay the law from taking effect.
“It was a lot cheaper to keep the patent in force than to litigate over the issues,” said Gene Hoffman, the chairman of the foundation, adding that he believed the law amounted to a gun ban in California.
Read more here.
From the Back of the Line to the Tip of the Spear
The Calguns Foundation just went from the back of the line to the tip of the spear.
For too long, CGF has been at the mercy of the Ninth Circuit either stonewalling our cases or outright ruling against us.
That all changes now.
With a pro-gun U.S. Supreme Court on the horizon, critical CGF lawsuits such as Silvester v. Harris and Teixeria v. County of Alameda have new life!
The Ninth Circuit now knows that we can appeal their decisions to the highest court of the land, which would impact the rights of not only gun owners in the Ninth Circuit’s jurisdiction, but nationwide.
This is a big deal.
Few other legal groups have as many diverse pro-gun cases currently at the appellate level. CGF’s cases and their decisions, considered longshots on November 7th, 2016, have become groundbreaking overnight.
Contribute to CGF today and know that your tax-deductible donation will go forward to argue in front of a Ninth Circuit that will now have to judge our cases on their merits or risk having their decision overturned in a pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court.
The Ninth Circuit is currently deciding whether to uphold their initial decision that the right to commerce of firearms is protected by the Second Amendment or rehear to Teixeria en banc.
After last week’s events, they will have likely to think twice.
Stand with CGF and make history.
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CGF's Cases Just Got A New Lease On Life
Remember when Gavin Newsom said, “As California goes, so goes the nation?”
Not only did the Lieutenant Governor show how much he hates freedom last Tuesday with the passage of his anti-Second Amendment ballot measure, he was proven dead wrong.
Despite his best urging that the country takes its lead from California, The United States rejected the gun grabbers and elected Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.
I’m sure you know what this means to the Second Amendment, but let me remind you:
The ninth Supreme Court seat will likely be filled with a justice who honors the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.
More importantly, this means we can appeal anti-gun decisions from the Ninth Circuit to the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
If the Ninth sets us back in critical gun rights cases such as Silvester v. Harris or Teixeira v. County of Alameda, we can appeal it the highest court in the land and fundamentally impact gun rights for the rest of the country.
So just like Newsom said, “As California goes, so goes the nation”, but perhaps in our favor this time.
But we can’t reach those heights without your support.
Chip in $100, $200, or even $45 in honor of our new president TODAY. We’re getting closer to the end of the tax year so take advantage of how your contribution to CGF is tax-deductible and fund the fight for your civil rights.
The Second Amendment has been given a new lease on life in California. Let’s run with it.
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Two Californians Named to Trump's Second Amendment Coalition
President-Elect Donald Trump unveiled his Second Amendment Coalition shortly before his election this week. Two Californians were named to the list: U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock and Olympic shooter Kim Rhode. Via a release:
“My father defends the Second Amendment, so that you and I and your spouse and your children can take care of themselves when someone much stronger, much meaner and much more vicious than them tries to break into their home, "said Coalition Chairman Donald J. Trump, Jr. “It's not just a hobby or something I do on the weekends. It's a lifestyle; and as my father often says, ‘this is about self-defense, plain and simple.’”
“This election isn’t about the next four years. It’s about the next forty years, so voting for Hillary Clinton, or not voting, is simply not an option,” said Coalition Chairman Christopher Cox. “The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that we have a fundamental, individual right to protect ourselves and our families with a firearm in our own homes. Clinton said the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment.’ A Clinton Supreme Court means your right to own a firearm is gone.”
Read more here.
Advance Gun Rights, Support Tracy Rifle and Pistol v. Kamala Harris
Among all the bluster over Tuesday’s election and what it means for our liberties, The Calguns Foundation has been working diligently at the very same time at advancing gun rights.
This week, we have JUST concluded the deposition phase in our case, Tracy Rifle and Pistol v. Harris!
This case challenges state law prohibiting firearms dealers from displaying handgun advertisements that are visible from the outside of their place of business, thus suppressing the free speech of business owners to accurately market their goods to the public.
While we have other cases in the courts that seek to restore your Second Amendment rights, Tracy Rifle and Pistol v. Harris is important for gun owners for a variety of other, but equally important reasons.
By outlawing handgun ads from outside businesses, the state “otherizes” the gun culture! Those who seek civilian disarmament are not only attacking the Second Amendment head-on, but are also attacking us from our flanks using the First Amendment.
The Bill of Rights is a package deal. If we can't speak about guns, we can't fight for the Second Amendment.
Think about all of the businesses that are barred from accurately advertising their products. There is stigma to them while societal and cultural norms make you feel “guilty” for entering them. This is, in turn, suppresses business and gives the government reason to further regulate them out of existence.
That’s why it is CRUCIAL for us to beat Kamala Harris in our case! Our right to bear arms is sacred and the government shouldn’t be creating new ways to erode it away!
We’re now moving to the brief filling period, which will run through the end of the year.
Support Tracy Rifle and Pistol v. Harris! NOW to actually make an impact in protecting your gun rights.
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