Why contribute?
California Gun Rights Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization committed to restoring your fundamental right to keep and bear arms. However, we are entirely funded by the grassroots. Therefore, we rely on the contributions of patriots just like you. Should you wish to support our efforts to overturn the Handgun Roster, repeal "Assault Weapon" regulations, and more, simply choose from one of our powerful contribution options.
Here, you can make a tax-deductible contribution via credit, debit, or PayPal. Your generous donations will go directly to help fund our ongoing pro-gun litigation.
Become a member
Joining CGF is a powerful way to support the Second Amendment. Your monthly or annual membership dues are the lifeblood of our ability to fight the tyrants in court. And, when you join, you will receive our official membership kit including a limited-edition patch.
Donate Stock to CGF
CGF now offers you the flexibility of supporting our work by donating stock. This is a great way to advance the Second Amendment if you have investments but do not wish to make regular financial transactions.
Contribute Using Giving Assistant
Giving Assistant is a website that transforms every purchase you make at over 3,000 online stores into a donation for California Gun Rights Foundation. Moreover, you can redeem coupons and receive cash back at stores like Best Buy, Home Depot, and more.
Start Your Own Facebook Fundraiser for CGF
Encourage your friends to support CGF's pro-gun advocacy by starting your own fundraiser on Facebook. Just pick how much you want to raise and the duration of your fundraiser. We take care of the rest.