This Week in California Gun Rights: 3-29-13 Edition
CGF, CAL-FFL, Gun Owners Win in South San Francisco; City Withdraws Ammo Ban, Cites Tremendous Opposition

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Spike’s Tactical AR-15 Give-Away
We are witnessing a revival among Second Amendment civil rights activists and — importantly — tremendous growth in both the diversity and sheer numbers of new gun owners. Our modern gun rights culture has adopted, rightfully, the American born-and-bred AR-15 self-defense rifle as the de facto symbol of our fundamental civil liberties.
To thank the anti-gun zealots for bringing together millions of law-abiding gun owners like never before in our history, we’re giving away one of our favorite guns – a new Spike’s Tactical AR-15 platform M4LE rifle! Best of all, our giveaway is free to enter – sign up right now for a chance to win!
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Cal-FFL Legislative Update
This update will provide you a thumbnail sketch of what is happening with key gun legislation in California. For more detailed information, follow the links provided.
AB 48 (Skinner) - Ban on magazine parts; requires ammunition transfers to be conducted by FFL; requires law enforcement reporting for ammunition transactions. Hearing: Assembly Public Safety 4/2/13). Position: OPPOSE.
AB 169 (Dickinson) - Removes the “private party transfer” exemption for non-Rostered handguns and prohibits owners of non-Rostered handguns from selling them to non-exempt persons. Hearing: Assembly Public Safety 4/2/13. Position: OPPOSE.
AB 500 (Ammiano) - Waiting period expansion and new DOJ powers to deny guns to law-abiding people. Hearing: Assembly Public Safety 4/2/13. Position: OPPOSE.
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California Take Action! Campaign Launches
There’s no other way to say it: anti-gun politicians in Sacramento have declared war on your gun rights.
California Senator Darrell Steinberg and his gun-grabbing posse have introduced dozens of gun control bills aimed at gutting your Second Amendment rights.
FPC - and YOU - are all that stand in their way.
If their gun ban bills pass into law, hundreds of thousands of law-abiding Californians - like YOU - would face criminal liability, forced sale or confiscation of lawfully-owned private property, and be treated like sex offenders, among other horrors - just for exercising your fundamental right to keep and bear arms!
We need your help to oppose their gun ban plans RIGHT NOW! Join the fight at!
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