This Week in California Gun Rights: 4-26-13 Edition



Cal-FFL and the Firearms Policy Coalition are asking you to fax CA Governor Jerry Brown and urge him to VETO SB 140, a measure to steal $$ MILLIONS from gun owners and give it to the Department of Justice! Use FPC’s free TAKE ACTION form to send a fax NOW at

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Chris Cheng, History Channel’s “Top Shot” Champion Endorses (Video)

Realizing the unprecedented attack attack that members of the California Legislature are waging on our Second Amendment Rights, History Channel’s “Top Shot” Champion, Chris Cheng wanted to encourage all of us to join the fight in protecting our gun rights.
Recognizing that “These troubling times call for serious leadership and a powerful defense of our rights…” Chris encourages all of us to join the fight at

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Cal-FFL Legislative Update

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This update will provide you a thumbnail sketch of what is happening with key gun legislation in California. For more detailed information, follow the links provided.
SB 140 (Leno) - Takes millions of unconstitutionally-collected Dealer Record of Sales (DROS) funds to compensate for the failure of more than 500 local law enforcement agencies not enforcing existing gun laws. Uses DROS funds to pay for CA DOJ expansion, including raids and confiscation of weapons from those whom the State deems to be prohibited based on unreliable data from an untrustworthy list.

Currently on the Desk of the Governor Awaiting signature or veto : Send an email  asking him to VETO SB 140! CLICK HERE to TAKE ACTION NOW!

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Newslink: Dear Gun Control Democrats: 6 Ways to Make a Better Argument
Dear Gun Control Democrats:
It’s been less than a week since national gun control in America died. No “assault weapons” ban. No “high-capacity” magazine ban. Not even the Manchin-Toomey background check compromise that, according to Senator Mark Kirk, was reached by getting drunk on a 54-foot mega-yacht named Black Tie, which is part-owned by Manchin.

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