Anti-Gun Attorneys Are Teaming Up To Stop Us
Even with a Trump victory in the 2016 Presidential election, a perfect storm seems to be forming against those who wish to restore the Second Amendment.
Michael Bloomberg broke numerous campaign spending records over the course of the year, helping implement gun control across the entire west coast.
Lt. Gov Gavin Newsom and the California State Legislature passed a plethora of anti-gun bills that will take years of litigation, political action and lobbying to unravel.
And now high power attorneys from several anti-gun groups and elitist law firms are joining together to ensure that a Trump Supreme Court, and lower Federal Courts, are irrelevant.
The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, based in San Francisco, and Americans for Responsible Solutions announced a new effort with seven top law firms, as well as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, to push gun control
This new initiative, the Firearms Accountability Counsel Taskforce (FACT), will be devoted to stonewalling the gun rights movement and also figure out ways to implement gun control despite President-Elect Trump.
These lawyers are donating their time and services, usually costing as much as $1,000 an hour, in order to stop The Calguns Foundation and other gun rights groups from chipping away at the damage that has occurred over the past few decades.
It is not enough that they have annihilated the Second Amendment and kept us clawing for every inch of ground we have taken back, now they are fortifying their anti-gun laws with millions of dollars of free legal services.
Unfortunately, we don’t have the backing of billionaires and their payrolled attorneys.
All we have is YOU.
And that is why we need you NOW more than ever.
We need all the ammunition we can get in order to fight back against an almost insurmountable force of Michael Bloomberg and New York city attorneys.
We know we can beat them because we are fighting for the Constitution.
We just need you to give us the ammo to do it.
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